How to Buy Cheap Options

Using the magic wand of IV or implied volatility can mean that

an option trader is using the edge of his setup to the fullest.

Understanding IV takes time and experience. And, paper trading

might not give one the idea of such practical case studies.

The IV is a dynamic concept and it rewards you to be on

the right side of it.

The option prices are basically composed of the intrinsic

value and the time value. The value is quite plain vanilla to

understand with respect to the underlying values of the option.

For the time value, it is to be remembered that one needs to

base it on the expiry day. The number of days to the expiry

will determine the time value of an option. The fateful outcome

of this option is that it decays and eventually perishes if it is

Out of Money. Time values can also factor in the strike price,

the underlying price, and even the interest rates. 

By implied volatility values one can judge which side, the

market is expected to be likely headed. In terms of events

or special timings in the market, there can be an imbalance

or hyperactivity in the traders. This results in a change of

supply and demand and that creates the action. As and when

the demand for an option rises, the IV will also increase. So,

along with the high IV, the premiums also increase and one

needs to pay a higher price for the same options. 

It is important to note that the Implied volatility can fall

sometimes so much that it becomes difficult to even

trade them. Traders and investors who are looking for

a quick return always prefer volatility and a good IV is

always better than none. The ebbs and the tides of the

Time value can determine the relation of time value to

an option price.

Check out this option strategy for buyers and sellers

A buyer of an option, even when they are right about the

direction of the underlying can lose money due to the

low implied volatility. Because with low implied volatility

the prices of the options don’t seem to increase at all and that

leads to lower returns and often negative returns. As the buyer

is suddenly fighting Implied volatility along with the time values

against them.

Another interesting point to note here about Implied volatility

is that there are certain options that will react differently to the

same values of the implied volatility. A long-dated option will be

more prone to the effects of an IV than a short-dated option.

This is because a longer time frame option will have a significant

cushion of time value as well. A trader news to be really careful

of the interpretation of the IV, as it may not have the same impact

on the underlying across similar events. The dynamic nature of the

IV can be understood through extensive studying and backtesting.

Once a trader aces the learning of these parameters it is much

easy to understand the movement and make money out of it easily.

Deep learning is always rewarding in the market. However,

some indicators can be handy too. An indicator can foreshadow

and perhaps mirror the sentiment that is there inherently in the

minds of most traders or investors. Volatility indices like the INDIA

VIX and the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX) are good indicators of

market expectations. 

Implied volatility is not a constant idea and it can have multiple

interpretations as well. Anybody seeing the charts can see that

the IV is either low or high and come to a different conclusion.

For some buying an option for cheap and selling it higher

can be a good alternative. Many techniques are used for this

reversal technique. Traders expect that the curves will turn up

high again and there will be opportunities to see higher prices

in the future. The idea becomes simply to sell when the IV chart

shows a rise and find opportunities at a lower IV value. The

trends or cycles of the market can be pre-empted based on

past charts and stringent analysis. The laborious efforts might

improve one’s trading significantly and can easily provide an

edge without many complications. The concept of selling

overvalued assets and value-buying optimally priced instruments

is a good technique to compound money over a period of time.

The implied volatility is the secret sauce for that strategy. 

Understand the concept of carrying forward.

While it is almost impossible to catch the tops and the bottoms of

any market, it is almost pretty straightforward to determine whether

an option has the highest or the lowest volatility. One can check the

values from the options chain itself and see if an option has the

highest or the lowest values. Many use this study to play the

strategy that, eventually markets will revert to the mean. So a

high IV will cool down and a lower one will get steam soon.

It has to be kept in mind that, just before an important event like

financial results, dividend announcements, or any other significant

global or company-related news that instrument will have a higher IV.

Or, to put in other words the IV of the options of that instrument will

see significant moves based on the market expectations. It is quite

easy to figure that once the events are over, the IV will obviously

crash and cool down. The idea for a trader should be to be on

the right side of these events.

Option selling becomes a good strategy in the case of high implied

volatility scenarios. Credit spreads or short straddles can work well in

case of a high implied volatility situation. The idea is to sell the options

when the buyers are anyways out of the mood to pay such high premiums.

On either hand, low Implied volatility means that long straddles and debit

spreads will work better. However, on the contrary, it should also be meant

that sometimes due to momentum traders, an option with a relatively high

IV will continue to trade even higher as time passes by. So, the one with

a low Iv will eventually be crushed further.

This article is meant for education only, always maintain a trading

journal and consult your financial advisor before investing.

Catching Price Action Trends

Read this to understand about volatility index

Learn more about the margin trading facility

and the leverage trading options.

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Not all strategies work all the time, however, it makes a lot

of sense to understand the concept of volatility and use it

to your benefit.

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Investing in market risks may lead to a loss of capital

please consult your financial advisor.

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